A sneaky way that some browser hogs get you to look at their site is by putting redirect code in the ads or comments. The redirect code automatically redirects you to another website, something totally unaffiliated with the one you're looking at.
This is what I recently discovered was happening with one of the ads on Kristen's Guide. I'm doing my best to get rid of the bugger, but it doesn't happen every time, so it's difficult to troubleshoot. To fix this, I need you, my subscribers, to help me.
All I need you to do is visit KristensGuide.com. After the page finishes loading you should be looking at the Kristen's Guide home page. If you suddenly find yourself redirected to another website, please let me know. Just send an email to me at feedback@kristensguide.com (since the contact forms on the site may not be working because of the annoying browser hogging spam bug).
Thanks so much to all of you who help me out. I truly appreciate it.
(I know. I know. The easiest way to get rid of the problem is to get rid of all ads on the site, but hey, if I did that, I couldn't pay the bills.)