Thursday, February 12, 2009

New KG Section: How to Get a New Job

My heart goes out to so many people who are losing their jobs and facing financial crisis. I wish I could hire them all, so they can continue to support their families, but, of course, I can't. No single person can.

However, I may still be able to help.
  1. I've applied for jobs, so I know what it's like to do it.
  2. I've worked in management positions and had the duties of sorting through resumes of potential employees, conducting interviews, and ultimately deciding who would get the job.
  3. I used to be a professional resume writer (i.e. people paid me to write their resumes).
So I'm putting together a new section, a free guide to getting employed. What's going to be in it? Here's what I'm putting together for starters:
  • How to write a resume
  • Resume writing worksheets
  • Sample resumes
  • How to ace an interview
  • How to find a new job (e.g. where to look, how to get your name mentioned to employers, etc.)
  • A handy-dandy job search tool
Yup, that's right, even a job search tool. I'm partnering up with Simply Hired to help you find a job right in your own neighborhood. You can even find a work-from-home job and telecommute.

Check out the new Employment Section at